Monday 30 May 2016

Create a web page using lists tags and line tags which shows following output.

<title>Advice from the Gold Guru</title>
<h1>How to win a Golf</h1>
<ol type="a">
<HR width = 50% align = left size = 10 shade color="red">
<li>Mental prep
<ol type="i">
<li>Watch golf on tv religiously<?li>
<li>Get that computer game with tiger whatsisname
<hr width = 50% align=left size=10 shade color="green">
<ul type="circle">
<li>Make sure your putter has a pro autography on it.</li>
<li>Pick up a bargain bag of tees-n-balls at Costco</li>
<hr width = 50% align=left size=10 shade color="purple">
<ol type="1">
<li>Avoid junk food
<ul type="square">
<li>No hotdogs</li>
<li>Drink wine and mixed drinks only,no beer</li></ol></ol>
<hr size=10 align=left color="orange">
<hr size=10 width=70% align=right color=yellow>
<ol type="1">
<ol start="20">
<li>Look for: overconfidedence, inexperience</li>
<li>Buy opponent as many pre-game drinks as possible</li></ol></ol>
<hr size=10 align=left color="blue">
<li>On the Course
<ul type="disc">
<li>Tee off first, then develop severe hayfever
<li>Drive cart over opponent's ball to degrade aerodynamics</li>


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A mint of creativity Design, Development, Marketing.Crafting visually stunning memorable experiences for web and interfaces.Design solutions for any media, are web designer


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