Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Run the following code and write any five specific observations regarding tags used in program.


<title>Example - Text Formating Tags</title>


<h1>Header Size 1</h1>

<p></p><h3>Header Size 3</h3>

The Next Line of example text should be in the middle of the document


<p><b>Bold Text</b>, <i>Italic Text</i>, <u>and underlined text.</u>


<p><font size="5">Font size = 5</font>

<br><font face="arial">Font Face = Arial</font>

<br><font color="#FF0000">Font Color = Red</font>

</p><p>Normal Text, <sub>Subscript text</sub>, More Normal Text, <sup>Superscript Text</sup>

</p><p><em>Text in Emphasis</em>

<br><strong>Text in Strong</strong>

<br><cite>Text in citation</cite>

</p><pre>This is pre formatted text (using the PRE) tag

as it appears in the editor

view the source code and you will

notice that there are no tags until here.

It is displayed the exact way that its been

set out in the editor. If required the font can be changed

<font face="arial">like this</font> using

the FONT FACE= tag.



This text falls within the <tt>blockquote</tt> tag


<tt>This text should appear as if it has been typed by a typewriter</tt>


<small>The fine print (small text)</small>



<font size="2">--- End Of Example ---</font>


<br>Close this window to go back to the guide.


output comments

1) Superscript Text
The content of a <sup>…</sup> element is written in superscript; the font
Size used is the same size as the characters surrounding it but is displayed half a character's height above the other characters.
2) Italic Text
Anything that appears within <i>...</i> element is displayed in italicized as
Shown above output:
3) Subscript Text
The content of a <sub>…</sub> element is written in subscript; the font size used is the same as the characters surrounding it, but is displayed half a character's height beneath the other characters.
4) Underlined Text
Anything that appears within <u>...</u> element is displayed with
Underline as shown above:
5) Smaller Text
The content of the <small>…</small> element is displayed one font size
Smaller than the rest of the text surrounding it as shown below:


Author & Editor

A mint of creativity Design, Development, Marketing.Crafting visually stunning memorable experiences for web and interfaces.Design solutions for any media, are web designer


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