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Wednesday, 25 May 2016

<head><font size=6 face="Verdana" color="red"><strike>New</strike> Technology Trends in computer Architecture</font></head>
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<p>The consumers of <cite> servers, desktop</cite>and<cite> notebook computers,</cite> focus their purchasing decisions on the <u>Features</u> and <u> cost</u> of the equipment.In this enviroment, the customer seldom <s> not </s> sees the <strong> power subsystem </strong>as a feature, but rather a required component that is not an integral part of the <cite>purchase decision</cite>.However,from the <b>viewpoint of a company</b> like <font color="blue">Dell</font> that <big>drives</big> Features and integrates them into systems, <big>improved power technology</big> can be an enabler of features that are <b> important to customers.</b>
<p>This paper focuses on the high-level trends in computer architecture and the drivers of these trends.
<p>A survey of the <tt>microprocessor,</tt><B>memory</b> and <big><font color="greeen">I/O subsystems</font></big> provides a <big><b>computer systems </B></big> company viewpoint on the trends in the computing market that will drive increasing demands for power<sup>TM</sup>.</p>



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A mint of creativity Design, Development, Marketing.Crafting visually stunning memorable experiences for web and interfaces.Design solutions for any media, are web designer


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