Write a HTML code to display following output.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

<title>HTML Codes to Display an Output</title>
<body bgcolor="green">
<b>Einstein</b> discovered the equation <mark>E=mc<sup>2</sup></mark><br><br>
CH<sub>4</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O = CO + 3H<sub>2</sub><br><br>
Always looks for <b><mark>ideas</mark></b> either <big>Big</big> or <small>small</small>.<br><br>
<kbd>ASSESSMENT of IP</kbd> (Applicable to all)
<font color="purple"> <mark>Theory practical Total</mark></font>
<font color="red"> (100) (50) (150)
Assignment 5 0 5
Class test 10 0 10
Mid Sem Exam 20 0 20
Quiz 0 10 10
University Exam 60 0 60
projects 0 10 10
Practical Exam 0 10 10
Practicals 0 15 15
Attendance 5 5 10
Total <mark> 100 50 150</mark></font>



Author & Editor

A mint of creativity Design, Development, Marketing.Crafting visually stunning memorable experiences for web and interfaces.Design solutions for any media, are web designer


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